Devoli's Commitment to our customers

Our Complaints Policy

The primary purpose of our Complaints Policy is to establish a structured framework for addressing and resolving complaints raised by our valued customers, clients, partners and other stakeholders. We believe open communication is key to maintaining positive relationships, and we are committed to upholding the highest standards of customer satisfaction and stakeholder engagement.

We want to ensure that we provide you with the best possible service experience. If you are not happy with any aspects of the services we provide you we would like to hear from you as quickly as possible so we can rectify the matters.

We will:

  • Treat you with respect, in a fair and courteous manner at all times

  • Be clear in our communications to you

  • Deliver on our promises

  • Ensure that you have access to account information and the services we supply to you

  • Have copies of our Terms and Condition available to you

  • Make sure that information provided to you is accurate, up-to-date and in plain English

  • Take all reasonable actions to provide services to you in a timely manner, acknowledging that there may be delays in providing service in certain circumstances we will, if delays occur, keep you informed

  • Always comply with the law

How to let us know if you have feedback or a complaint

If for any reason you’re not happy with any aspect of the products or services we provide you we would like to hear from you as soon as possible so that we can put things right. Please contact us using one of the following options:

  1. Phone: +64 9 222 000 option 1

  2. Email:

  3. Website contact form:

What happens next?

Once you've told us about your concern, we’ll investigate it and discuss a resolution with you. If we can’t resolve it straight away, or if the issue is of a very complex nature, we’ll give you an idea of how long it will take us to investigate the issue. We'll also let you know who will be managing it for you. Our aim is to get your issue fully resolved within 20 working days.

If you’ve raised a complaint with us and we’ve been unable to come to an agreement on how to resolve your complaint, or it's taken longer than six weeks to sort it out, you have the opportunity to take your case to the Telecommunications Dispute Resolution (TDR) Scheme. This is a free and independent service which helps resolve disputes between customers and their telecommunications companies. You can find more information on the Scheme at or by calling them on 0508 989 898.

In addition to the Telecommunications Dispute Resolution Scheme, you may also seek independent advice or assistance from:

  • The Disputes Tribunal

  • The Citizens Advice Bureau

  • Your Community Law Centre

  • The Office of the Privacy Commissioner (for privacy issues)

Important reminder

Like you, we don't want any delays in getting your concerns addressed. If the service you are complaining about is charged to you by another telecommunications provider and not Devoli, we will not be able to investigate it. In this situation, you will need to contact that provider directly and they should be able to investigate for you.