ConnecT directly

to The Google Cloud

Platform With Granulier

With over 500 employees devoted to security, end to end encryption across all services, multiple authentication layers and third party validation Google Cloud offers strength in security with a great feature set.

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Powerful Software, Trusted Partner.

Devoli have partnered with Google to deliver Granulier, a clever, powerful solution that allows point and click connectivity to the Google Cloud with zero hassle. Create and deploy instances across multiple regions and manage your cloud environment from a single pane of glass.

Low Latency, High Security.

Devoli’s Granulier technology makes it easy to integrate directly with the Google Cloud. Get speed, security, and snappy provisioning through our global peering network. With only a single interconnection point you can build an any-to-any secure environment between your Google Cloud Platform instances and other cloud providers.

Frictionless Control.

Gain control over the transit of your data between private and cloud environments while paying only for what you use. From day to day workloads to burst data get the bandwidth you need for the time you need.

We Are Global

Devoli offers the following Google Regions:

  • Sydney SY3 - syd-zone2-1605

  • IBM

  • SY3 IBM Cloud Connect


Talk to the Devoli team about Granulier today