Summer Service Levels for 2024-25 holiday period

10 Dec 2024

Every year, demand for connectivity decreases from late December to mid-January. In line with this, our LFC partners and our Devoli team will reduce service levels over the 2024-25 summer break so our people can take their own well-deserved time off.

While team capacity will be reduced, services will still be monitored 24/7 during this time and any unexpected issues responded to as usual to ensure your business continuity.

Review the below detail to help you plan for any impacts to your business. Please note that LFC provisioning is impacted.

LFC Provisioning, Support and Faults

NZ’s Local Fibre Company (LFC) field delivery teams will operate throughout the break for support and fault restoration services, with schedules adjusted to meet forecasted demand.

However, provisioning via LFCs will be restricted as follows:


Provisioning closed 12:00pm 20 December - 09:00am 6 January


Limited service capacity 23:59pm 20 December - 06:00am 13 January. As the Chorus provisioning system is automated, provisioning is available, however due to reduced staffing levels for all parties involved, Devoli cannot guarantee activations during this period.


Provisioning closed 17:00pm 20 December - 08:00am 6 January

Tuatahi First Fibre (TFF)

Provisioning closed 17:00pm 20 December - 08:00am 6 January

Devoli Customer Success Team

  • 17:00pm 20 December - 08.30am 13 January: Provisioning and support available, however staffing reduced in line with forecasted demand. Porting validations may take longer due to reduced staff at other carriers, and activations may not be possible until the respective services resume after the break

Devoli Network & Voice Operations

  • 08:00am 16 December - 22 December, and 3 January - 08:00am 13 January: Work limitations in place. Only provisioning and emergency work undertaken.

  • 08:00am 23 December - 08:00am 3 January: All work restricted. No Planned works on our network services. Only critical or emergency work undertaken.

Devoli Contact Channels

You can still contact us via the usual channels over the holiday period:

  • For telephone support call 0800 338 654 or 09 222 0000 (from within New Zealand) or 1800 940 604 or 02 8417 2357 (from within Australia), 8:30am – 5:00pm Monday to Friday (NZDT/NZST)

  • For support via email, contact our Support or Provisioning teams at or

  • For any urgent network issues, our Network Operations Centre (NOC) and on-call engineers will be available as normal. Please note that after-hours service may incur a fee as outlined in your Devoli service level agreement. 

Carrier faults escalated during the holiday period will be treated as BAU, as service desks will remain open during this time.